
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) support with the OpenFlow 1.3 protocol
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Categories: Routing

OFSwitch13 supports OpenFlow protocol version 1.3, bringing a switch device and a controller application interface to the ns-3 simulator. With OFSwitch13, it is possible to interconnect ns-3 nodes to send and receive traffic using the existing CSMA and virtual network devices. Extending the controller application interface allows users to implement any desired control logic to orchestrate the network. The communication between the controller and the switches happens over standard ns-3 protocol stack, devices, and channels. The OFSwitch13 module relies on the external BOFUSS library that provides the switch datapath implementation and the support for OpenFlow messages in wire format.


Works with ns-3.38

Latest Build :

Build History : OFSwitch13 5.2.1

Release Notes

<ul> <li>Replacing V4PingHelper by PingHelper in examples for ns-3.38 compatibility.</li> <li>This version is compatible with ns-3 version 3.38 (including patches). There is no backward compatibility with older ns-3 versions.</li> <li>Compilation was tested in Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS.</li> </ul>


Works with ns-3.39

Build History : OFSwitch13 5.2.2

Release Notes

<ul> <li>Removing examples/ofswitch13-qos-controller dependency from netanim module.</li> <li>Updating buffer timeout operation with millisecond resolution.</li> <li>Updating the maximum size of the parent OFSwitch13Queue class with the sum of maximum size of internal queues. The operation mode (packets or bytes) of all internal queues must be the same.</li> <li>This version is compatible with ns-3 versions 3.38 and 3.39 (including patches). There is no backward compatibility with older ns-3 versions.</li> <li>Compilation was tested in Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS.</li> </ul>


Please visit the [OFSwitch13 project homepage](http://www.lrc.ic.unicamp.br/ofswitch13/) and refer to the documentation for details about the module design, installation, and usage.

The OFSwitch13 module is currently maintained by Luciano Jerez Chaves. It also received contributions from Vítor Marge Eichemberger, Islene Calciolari Garcia, and Arthur Boechat Mazzi. Special thanks to Eder Leão Fernandes for helping with the BOFUSS library integration. Feel free to subscribe to the [mailing list at Google Groups](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ofswitch13-users) and provide feedback, give suggestions, interact with other users, or say hello!

This ns-3 extension is one or more contributed modules.

Version 5.2.2

Released Sept. 1, 2023

Works with ns-3.39