5G NR ProSe

Models to support 5G NR SL Proximity-based Services
5/5 (2 reviews)
Categories: Public Safety, Wireless, 5G

3GPP defines some services to be used in 5G NR Sidelink networks for use when devices are in proximity to one another-- these are called Proximity-based Services (ProSe). ns-3 has models for three functions defined in 3GPP TS 23.303:

  • Direct discovery
  • Direct communication
  • UE-to-Network Relay

This module supplements the 5G NR SL models found in the V2X branch of CTTC's 5G LENA nr module, to provide the above additional models.


Works with ns-3.42

Latest Build :

Build History : 5G NR ProSe v1.1

Release Notes

<p>The release v1.1 is identical to v1.0 and aligns with ns-3.42 and with the <a href="https://gitlab.com/cttc-lena/nr/-/tags/v2x-1.1">NR V2X V1.1</a> release of CTTC's 5G NR, and also requires a special version of ns-3.42, with EPC and RRC patched for V2X support; this branch can be found at <a href="https://github.com/usnistgov/psc-ns3/tree/v2x-lte-dev-prose">NIST's PSC website</a>.</p>


Works with ns-3.42

Latest Build :

Build History : 5G NR ProSe v1.0

Release Notes

<p>The release v1.0 aligns with ns-3.42 and with the <a href="https://gitlab.com/cttc-lena/nr/-/tags/v2x-1.0">NR V2X V1.0</a> release of CTTC's 5G NR, and also requires a special version of ns-3.42, with EPC and RRC patched for V2X support; this branch can be found at <a href="https://github.com/usnistgov/psc-ns3/tree/v2x-lte-dev-prose">NIST's PSC website</a></p>

It is important to note that this module presently requires a special branch of ns-3 and a special branch of nr, both extended for V2X and ProSe. The release version numbers are synchronized across these components. ### Instructions for latest release 1) Download or check out the special ns-3 repository with a ProSe branch from the tag matching the desired release from NIST's [psc-ns3](https://github.com/usnistgov/psc-ns3/) website. In this example, we will use a release branch corresponding to release version 1.1 (which aligns with CTTC NR 3.1 release). git clone https://github.com/usnistgov/psc-ns3.git cd psc-ns3 git checkout -b ns-3-dev-v2x-v1.1-prose tags/ns-3-dev-v2x-v1.1-prose 2) cd into the contrib directory and add the [nr](https://gitlab.com/cttc-lena/nr.git) module from CTTC. Check out the tagged release version corresponding to this release (e.g., v1.1 release) git clone https://gitlab.com/cttc-lena/nr.git cd nr git checkout -b v2x-1.1 tags/v2x-1.1 3) add this nr-prose module. Ensure that the directory name is `nr-prose`. Checkout the appropriate version to match the above. cd .. git clone https://github.com/usnistgov/nr-prose-ns3-module.git nr-prose cd nr-prose git checkout -b v1.1 tags/v1.1 4) add any other apps to contrib that you may want 5) cd back to the top level ns-3 directory and configure and build ### Instructions for development version The instructions are similar to above except that different branches must be checked out, as follows: 1) Download or check out the special ns-3 repository with the "v2x-lte-dev-prose" branch from NIST's [psc-ns3](https://github.com/usnistgov/psc-ns3/) website. git clone https://github.com/usnistgov/psc-ns3.git cd psc-ns3 git checkout -b v2x-lte-dev-prose origin/v2x-lte-dev-prose 2) cd into the contrib directory and add the [nr](https://gitlab.com/cttc-lena/nr.git) module from CTTC. Check out the "nr-v2x-dev" branch git clone https://gitlab.com/cttc-lena/nr.git cd nr git checkout -b nr-v2x-dev origin/nr-v2x-dev 3) add this nr-prose module. Ensure that the directory name is `nr-prose`. By default, the desired 'master' branch will be checked out. cd .. git clone https://github.com/usnistgov/nr-prose-ns3-module.git nr-prose Then follow steps 4) and 5) above about finishing the module installations and building ns-3.

**Installation support:** Due to limited resources, we will provide assistance only for issues related to the installation of this code. We recommend to experiment with and learn the standard version of ns-3 prior to installing this repository. Link: [https://www.nsnam.org/docs/tutorial/html/getting-started.html](https://www.nsnam.org/docs/tutorial/html/getting-started.html) Users can get support for issues related to ns-3 installation from the ns-3-users Google Group. Link: [https://groups.google.com/g/ns-3-users](https://groups.google.com/g/ns-3-users) Afterwards, the user can install this repository and report to us only the issues related to this repository's installation. **Bugs:** If you find a bug when running the provided scenarios, please report it, including detailed information about the scenario and error(s) observed,and how to reproduce. Please report issues to psc_ns3@list.nist.gov or else to the GitHub issue tracker.

We welcome contributions to this module. To do so, please make a pull request against the master branch on the GitHub repository.

This ns-3 extension is one or more contributed modules.

Version v1.1

Released July 31, 2024

Works with ns-3.42