This is an ns-3 module that can be used to perform simulations of a LoRaWAN network. Aside from models representing the various components of the network and helpers to set them up, the module comes with a packet tracker that monitors network performance, and with facilities that print the network topology to file for easy debugging and simulation monitoring. Various examples ranging from simple to complex network configurations are also provided.
Current features include:
The module was developed by Davide Magrin and Martina Capuzzo of the Signet Lab at University of Padova's Department of Information Engineering, under the supervision of Lorenzo Vangelista, Marco Centenaro, Andrea Zanella and Michele Zorzi.
The following publications discuss and use the lorawan ns-3 module:
Works with ns-3.43
Build History : LoRaWAN 0.3.2Release Notes
Works with ns-3.41
Build History : LoRaWAN 0.3.1Release Notes
Works with ns-3.32
Build History : LoRaWAN 0.3.0Release Notes
Works with ns-3.29
Build History : LoRaWAN 0.2.1Release Notes
This ns-3 extension is one or more contributed modules.