Bursty Application

Bursty and VR applications
4.35/5 (17 reviews)
Categories: Utilities

This module comprises the following features:

  1. Adds BurstyApplication and BurstSink as ns-3 applications: they allow to model complex applications by sending large data packets over UDP sockets, fragmenting them into bursts of smaller packets, and reassembling the packets at the receiver, if possible
  2. A tracing system allows to obtain burst-level and fragment-level information at both the transmitter and receiver side
  3. Models a Virtual Reality (VR) traffic source
  4. Acquired VR traffic traces are also included and can be used directly in a simulation, using the TraceFileBurstGenerator
  5. Additional traffic models can be implemented by simply extending the BurstGenerator interface

For further information, please check the website of this application.


Works with ns-3.37

Latest Build :

Build History : Bursty Application v2.0.0

Release Notes

<p>This new release v2.0.0 updates the application module to be compliant with new ns-3 building system, and adds dedicated class to simplify stats collection.</p> <p>A description of the framework can be found in the documentation, while an overview of motivation, models, and results can be found in our published papers:</p> <p>M. Lecci, M. Drago, A. Zanella, M. Zorzi, "An Open Framework for Analyzing and Modeling XR Network Traffic," IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 129782-129795, 2021. Open Access DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3113162. M. Lecci, A. Zanella, M. Zorzi, "An ns-3 Implementation of a Bursty Traffic Framework for Virtual Reality Sources," Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3), Jun. 2021, Virtual Event, USA, Open access DOI: 10.1145/3460797.3460807. Changelog:</p> <p>Updated to ns-3.37 and moved from waf to CMake. Added BurstyAppStatsCalculator and stats-calculator-example.cc, to simplify stats collection.</p>


Works with ns-3.33

Latest Build :

Build History : Bursty Application v1.0.0

Release Notes

<p>For further information, please check the release URL.</p>


Works with ns-3.33

Latest Build :

Build History : Bursty Application v0.2.0

Release Notes

<p>For further information, please check the release URL.</p>


Works with ns-3.33

Latest Build :

Build History : Bursty Application v0.1.0

Release Notes

<p>For further information, please check the release URL.</p>

For further information, please visit the website of this application.

Please open an issue on the repository of this application, or contact the developer by email.

This ns-3 extension is one or more contributed modules.

Version v2.0.0

Released Jan. 25, 2023

Works with ns-3.37